Looking To Market Your Business On Social Media?

Here's 3 Marketing Stats That You Should Know

The average person spends roughly 2.5 hours a day on social media

Most people see between 4,000 - 10,000 advertisements a day

The average attention span of a human being is 8.25 seconds

With that being said, half of the battle marketing is getting noticed

the other half is getting remembered

so when your marketing goes cold...

What is the H.E.A.T Method?

Small Call to Action Headline

The H.E.A.T Method is a marketing strategy for social media that combines Humor, Education, Adding Value and Trust to show your personality, while demonstrating your expertise. The end result is you're able to build rapport, stay top of mind and make yourself easy to business with when the time comes!

If you're someone who frequently attends networking events, this will allow you maximize every event that you attend. When implemented correctly, you will now have the ability to meet someone in person one time, add them across social media... then based off of the type of content that you post, your audience will begin to know, like and trust you.

"When your marketing goes cold,

Drop Some Heat!"

How Do I Know This Will Work?

Let's break down the following elements...

Humor: When people laugh, they tend to remember what made them laugh. When you incorporate humor into your marketing strategy, you're able to cut through the noise and create a message that sticks.

Education: In the world of business, people exchange money to solve problems. When you use education in your marketing strategy, you're able to position yourself as a resource as opposed to merely a salesperson. As a result, you're able to generate leads by solving problems.

Adding Value: In a world full of scams, prospects have become jaded and trust is harder than ever to create in marketing. When you focus on Adding-Value to your prospects, there's not much selling that is involved. In fact, people are able to feel that you're "looking out for them" which develops a reputation as someone who gives more than they take. That reputation alone will do most of the selling for you.

Trust: People do business with those who they know, like and trust. Nobody can sell you better than a satisfied customer. By collecting reviews from past clients and repurposing them on social media, you're able to demonstrate to the marketplace that you are the trusted resource to solve your prospect's problem.

Want To Learn More?

Watch the free video on how to use the H.E.A.T. Method to stay top of mind on social media, in a cool way... without spending any money.

Simply click the link below and let me know where to send it!

P.S. full course coming soon in the coming weeks. You'll have an opportunity to lock in early bird pricing on the following page.